Atm2go News

Research shows Tap and Go might be blowing your budget

Paying by card means you have a less accurate recall of the amount paid Tap and Go payments are on the rise because it is such a quick and convenient way to pay. But while this conveneince has always come at a cost for retailers with PayWave surcharges, new research has shown that shoppers who make cashless transactions are more likely to...

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All ATM fees are not created equal - calls to ban all ATM fees

Not all ATM fees are created equal Local small business ATM2GO is asking that not all ATM fees be tarred with the same brush following the announcement that Australia's four big banks would no longer be charging ATM withdrawal fees.
  ATM2GO is a proudly locally owned and operated business that has supplied mobile ATMs to even...

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ATM2GO joins forces with TNS to boost 4G coverage

ATM2GO has migrated its 270-ATM estate to data communications provider Transaction Network Services in a multiyear deal that includes 4G coverage for both mobile and retail ATM sites. ATM2GO will use TNSLink for ATMs to handle communications from a diverse range of ATM locations, including clubs, food outlets, festivals and sporting events. ...

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$1.5 Million Tap and Go Fraud Uncovered

While many consumers love the convenience of 'tap and go' purchases, they might be making it easier for fraudsters to tap and go the contents of their bank accounts. Just last month New South Wales Police busted a sophisticated tap and go crime ring that enabled three men to make mobile payments netting them $1.5 million in fraudu...

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Tap and Go - the silent profit killer

The convenience of Pay Wave and Pay Pass means that more and more tap and go transactions accessed everyday. But someone has to pay for that convenience and the banks process tap and go transactions as credit card payments and are charged as such. Whlie some businesses do add a surcharge on to your transaction, many smaller businesses oft...

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What our clients say...

Thanks a tonne for that. You provide a great service and we are really glad to have you at the Festival. Next Year's festival is on 12 August 2018. We look forward to having you there.
Gitie HouseChair | Toowoomba Languages & Cultures Festival
Jenny Paratz
Thanks Antoinette and Michael from ATM2GO. We appreciated your professional approach as always, you are a pleasure to work with. 
Jenny ParatzOrganiser | Brookfield Show
Kate Lovett
It was a great day that I think I've only just recovered from!! Thank you for looking after us at relatively short notice and coming back to refill the machine twice!
Kate LovettClifton Hill Primary School Fair Coordinator